Now don't get me wrong, looking tan looks great right??? Well what if I told you this is what tanning does to your skin:
The sun's UV rays damage the DNA of the skin's epidermal cells, triggering enzymes that race to repair the damage. However, these enzymes do not always repair the DNA successfully, and all this unrepaired damage can lead to mutations that increase the risk of skin cancer. Also, repeated unprotected sun exposure can cause photoaging – wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots associated with sun damage.
(now idk about y'all but I'd rather be white and keep my skin looking as young as possible)
Most people say "Oh as long as I don't get sunburnt, I'm fine!"....but that's NOT the case.
Both are dangerous, because both result from DNA damage to the skin cells. So its safe to say that both burning and tanning play major roles in skin cancer.
A tan, whether you get it on the beach, in a bed, or through incidental exposure, is bad news, any way you acquire it. Tans are caused by harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning lamps, and if you have one, you’ve sustained skin cell damage. No matter what you may hear at tanning salons, the cumulative damage caused by UV radiation can lead to premature skin aging (wrinkles, lax skin, brown spots, and more), as well as skin cancer.
So stay safe when your outside under those rays...and if your going to take a dip in the pool, make sure to lather up in high SPF sunscreen. OR you might look like this one day!!!
Great post! Especially since we are coming into bathing suit season, and we all want to look and feel good about ourselves! Why is it that a tan makes us feel good about ourselves?
ReplyDeleteI went to a tanning bed because I was in my BFF's wedding. I wanted to look good in the dress since all eyes would be on us at the alter. Anyways....I am SOOOO freaking mad at myself for doing that. At the time, I loved it...but now...I have sunspot ALL over my forehead! I hate myself for doing that!!!!
And that picture of leather with a peice of black string attached, makes me want to barf!
Idk but I think to myself "It's not worth it, because i want to look young as long as I can." And tanning makes you age faster I'd rather be light colored and younger looking.
ReplyDeleteI have been tanning but using sunblock like crazy.
ReplyDeleteThe sunblock def. helps against sunburn!! BUT if your still getting a tan that means the UV rays are still getting through the sunblock. What SPF do you use?? If possible, try the highest SPF they sell in the store.
ReplyDeleteI use 70 on my 2 tattoos and 8 on my body but maybe i SHOULD JUT USE 70 all over.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah 8 isn't enough at all. I'd use 70 if I was going to tan.
ReplyDeleteUV rays are horrible for your skin!
There's three different kind, but we worry about two the most.
UVA & UVB & the UVC's
UVA- causes long term effects; i.e. aging and the cancers and such...these rays penetrate the skin to the dermis..
UVB- is what tans us.. for those of us that do tan lol. this is the burning rays.
UVC- they're caught in the ozone layer, they're the shortest rays.
tanning beds contain UVA rays..which of course are the bad ones.
Basically. Tanning in tanning beds are guaranteed cancer. its scary... plus those beds are full of germs!!