Sunday, April 4, 2010

My first blog!!!!

Hey everyone, I've decided to create a blog about me and my crazy life lol!! My name is Samantha and I'm a proud Air Force wife:) I've been married almost a year on April 13th, to my wonderful husband Bryan. We are high school sweethearts and have been dating since my sophomore year. It's been one great adventure, and I'm happy to say I've found my soul mate.

I'm only 18, but will be 19 on July 8th of 2010!!! Bryan & I are both from Texas and from the same little town called Victoria. And of course the Air Force would station us pretty far away from home lol. We are doing a 4 year tour in Alaska...pretty crazy huh? But I love it here, it's absolutely gorgeous to live in such an amazing place. And our first summer here is coming up pretty soon, since the snow is melting (so very happy about that).

I haven't found a job up here yet!!! And it's really annoying, but I'm determined. I mean I have a GREAT job history and am a great worker. It's just this darn economy right now. But as for Bryan's job in the Air Force he works in Intelligence. He got fortunate enough to be able to get the job he wanted, and he really loves his job.

Umm I have a lot more about me, but I'm going to wrap up my first writing of this. But the main reason I wanted to create this blog is to let lots of people look at what my life is sorta like. And what it's like living in Alaska( I will post pics)!!!

Talk to you all soon,